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Note* Alfa Jae Salon is a salon geared towards adults, where adult conversations will be had & adult music/content may be played. While we do allow appointments for children, the salon is not responsible for censoring adult content/situations from children.

If you must cancel, please do so within 48 hours of your appointment or you will be charged a cancellation fee.

If you cancel within 48 hours of the start of your appointment you will be charged 50% of the amount of the scheduled service. If you no-show or cancel extremely last minute you will be charged 100% of the service booked.

Booking an appointment with Alfa Jae Salon means that you agree to these policies.

If a client is more than 15 minutes late their appointment may have to be cancelled.

No call/No show appointments will be charged 100% percent of the price of the scheduled appointment.

If appointment is cancelled due to tardiness 100% of the amount of the scheduled service will be charged to the clients card that was used to reserve the appointment.

Please do not come to your appointment with any illnesses or with children with any illnesses..

Clients showing any signs of illness will be turned away.

Alfa Jae Salon LLC nor anybody working at Alfa Jae Salon LLC may diagnose any illnesses or treat any illnesses including lice.

Only individuals receiving salon services are permitted in the salon including children.
Guests are not allowed to bring extra people with them that are not being serviced.
Parents of minors must wait in the waiting area while services on their child are being performed,

Children receiving services must be able to sit still for the entirety of their scheduled appointment.

Children are not allowed in the salon unless they are being serviced.

All sales are final.

Alfa Jae Salon LLC must be contacted within 5 days of original appointment, if any changes are needed.

Alfa Jae Salon LLC & any body working for or with Alfa Jae Salon LLC has the right to refuse a service for any reason.

Pets are not permitted at Alfa Jae Salon LLC.

Children’s services are for children 10 years of age and under.

Alfa Jae Salon accepts cash & card payments.

Alfa Jae Salon does not accept payment via PayPal, Cash App, Check, or Money Order.

All appointments must be made via and must be held with a credit/debit card.

Alfa Jae Salon does not accept appointments over the phone.

Alfa Jae Salon cannot perform any services on clients with lice.

Gift Certificates are valid up to 365 days after the original purchase date.

Gift Cards are non-refundable.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • At ALFA JAE SALON we are always taking new clients. Current clients have more options to choose from for availability, but don’t worry, after your first appointment, you will also receive access to VIP appointment times! You don’t have to do any extra work, after your first appointment, our system automatically gives you VIP access.

  • All prices you see are *starting prices, and may go up based on amount of product used and time spent on each client. Every single head of hair is different similar to a finger print. Almost every one of our clients goes through a different process even if they have the same end goal.

  • We use all DANGER JONES & PULP RIOT hair color. We chose these brands because of all the modern techniques that can be achieved with these brands. They are extremely conditioning for all hair types and have bond builder inside. Master Stylist/Salon Owner Jae B. is a certified DANGER JONES educator.

  • Its best to start looking to book an appointment about 6-8 weeks before you need it done. Nights & weekends are almost always booked about 8 weeks out. The longer the appointment is that you need to book. The further out you need to book. After you become an Alfa VIP member, you can prebook your next appointment in salon! You can always put your name on the waitlist which is at the bottom of each booking link below the available times.

  • How long your appointment takes will depend on your specific needs. Full colors take less time that full highlights, but full vivid colors take a lot longer than traditional highlights. Thick hair takes longer than thinner hair as well as long hair taking longer than shorter hair. Some appointments are priced hourly so if you are interested in getting an estimate on how long your appointment will take, please fill out a NGC Form & give us at least 7 days to get your estimate or book a New Guest Consultation.

  • We do not require a deposit to book an appointment with us, however we do require a credit card on file. If you decline to have your card on file, you can Venmo a non-refundable 50% deposit to secure your desired service to @alfajaesal0n. The deposit is non-refundable if you are unable to make your appointment for any reason. With a card on file if you cancel your appointment within 48 hours, 50% of your total appointment cost will be due before being allowed to rebook your appointment. If you no-show without texting or calling, or within 24 hours of your appointment, 100% of your scheduled appointment cost will be due & you will not be able to schedule any future appointments with Alfa Jae Salon unless paid in full at time of scheduling. If you no-show more than one time you will no longer be able to book an appointment with ALFA JAE SALON. We love and appreciate all our clients and understand things happen, but we cannot thrive with empty chairs.